The headquarters of a semiconductor and telecommunications equipment company experienced massive flooding after a four-inch chilled-water supply line burst on the sixth floor, impacting the basement, lobby, corridors, common areas, and 60+ office spaces in the building.
ATI completed the restoration on time and with minimal disruption to operations by working outside standard office hours and on weekends, while working around occupied office spaces, despite the challenges of the project.

The Situation

A busted four-inch chilled-water supply line caused massive flooding at the headquarters of a semiconductor and telecommunications equipment company in San Diego, CA. The basement, lobby, corridors, common areas and more than 60 office spaces through the sixth floor were affected by the water damage.

Because of the size and severity of the loss, the company reached beyond its long-term exclusive relationship with an ATI competitor to seek bids for the work the same day. ATI, which inspected the site and submitted its proposal within hours, was awarded the mitigation project that night.

Air dryers placed in the hallway to dry the floors.

The Solution

ATI crews worked after standard office hours and weekends, as well as around occupied workspaces, to limit business interruption for the client. The location of the building’s soffit vents 60 feet above a lobby atrium required workers to be specially harnessed as a safety precaution.

Despite the many challenges, ATI completed the project on time to the great satisfaction of the client.

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