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Nation’s largest family owned and operated restoration company presents check for their expansion project

Anaheim, CA, January 30, 2020 – American Technologies, Inc. (ATI), headquartered in Anaheim, Calif., has been a supporter of the Ronald McDonald House Charities for over six year. Founder & CEO of ATI, Gary Moore sits on the Board for the organization.

Annually, ATI hosts a golf tournament for the RMHOC and donates 100% of the net proceeds to the charity. As a result of the December 5, 2019 golf tournament, Moore presented a $91,009.47 check to RMHOC Executive Director, Noel Burcelis on Thursday, January 30, 2020. These funds will contribute to the charity’s $12 million capital campaign to expand the House. Expansion plans include increasing guest rooms from 20 to 44 as well as adding support services and rooms. The two-year construction project is scheduled to begin this year.

ATI’s 20 offices across the country support the RMH Charities. Among many other support efforts, each office hosts a Day of Service during which company employees donate their time and talents to provide necessary repairs in the maintenance of the House, closing the day with meal prep and service for the families of the House.


About American Technologies, Inc.

Established in 1989 by Gary Moore, American Technologies, Inc. is the nation’s largest family-owned and operated restoration contractor.  Headquartered in Anaheim, California, the company specializes in restoration, environmental and reconstruction services following natural and man-made disasters with an unwavering commitment to customer service. The company operates out of 20 branch offices nationwide with over 1200 employees.  For more information, please visit

About Ronald McDonald House of Orange County

The Ronald McDonald House of Orange County opened its doors in 1989 through the efforts of Orange County community leaders and concerned parents. Located adjacent to Children’s Hospital of Orange County, and close to several other nearby medical centers, the House provides short-term housing and support services for up to twenty families a night. The overriding goal of the House is to expand access to world-class, family-centered care for children and their families. Research proves that Ronald McDonald Houses help families stay together, relieve stress, and play an active, engaged role in their child’s medical care. To learn more, please visit


Maria Lucas
Director of Communications & PR
American Technologies, Inc.
[email protected]

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